Bishops Court and why it’s so popular

Bishops Court has long been the choice of the rich and famous in Cape Town. And why? Chiefly, I think because of the wind. Visiting a pricey home there last year on a “pumping south-easter” day it was breathlessly quiet. There are of course other reasons, and this home, at the bottom end of it, has views like the below to show you why it is so sought after.

Yes, it is more Upper Claremont, but they’re so close they’re neighbours. I’ve always liked Bishops Court because it is high enough to get that extra hour of daylight Newlands does not enjoy. The prices have kept me out (among other things) but the prices are not keeping me “in” – in that the home sellers or renters want photographs of their audacious homes.

There is also Kirstenbosch Gardens, not too far away, with plenty of things to do there as well. All in all, Bishops Court is (and will remain, in my mind) a far better option than the Atlantic Seaboard. One day perhaps I will have the cash to move up in the ranks and live there, but not today. Until then, I get the pleasure of the views, minus the hassle of needing to pay a bank a few million, or three.